Desktop publishing is an opportunity for the everyday writer to get his or her works into a book format, to some degree. It is often called DTP for short. In this format, a personal computer is used along with page layout software to create a publication. These software programs can be in use for large publishing companies who are printing large books and final products or by small publishing needs. For many, this is the type of software to use when creating self-published books, as it is also in use by publishers when creating final works.
Desktop publishing software, or companies offering it, do not just help with page layout. This is one of the focuses of the programs, in that it helps to create the pages needed for the book to have the proper size for printing and binding. In addition to this service, most programs also provide help with point of sale displaying, trade show exhibits, outdoor signage, promotional items and retail package designs, as they are necessary.
Desktop publishing is a method or process that is used to take computer produced documents to the next level of printing and publication. It is used not only for books, but also for newsletters, brochures, and manuals. Most software programs also help create finished, published works for their use on the Internet as well. Some programs provide help with paste up, e-scales and a variety of other non-desktop computer design elements needed for printing of the final product.
In addition to getting the work ready for the final printing of it, this form of desktop publishing also looks at the graphic elements of the process. Graphic design of the book, for example, may include everything from the graphics on the cover to the pages within, but also includes any special sizing and design work that is needed. It can help to complete your work from start to finish.
Desktop publishing software is an option for most people who are hoping to self publish their works. Though it can be expensive, these software programs have grown in the number available and in what they can do. At the same time, there are many programs that are affordably priced. Most are easy to use, too. This has further helped the first time author to get their book or other publication ready to go.
If you will be working with a publisher for your book, the publisher will handle all publishing aspects of the book, usually including the graphic design of it. This is software that they have and use regularly and therefore is not something that most authors need to invest in, unless they will be doing self publishing. Even then, most self-publishers will use a publisher in some format to get their book into print, and that service often comes with these software programs.
Desktop publishing features continue to grow and change, too, which means there is always something fresh and unique to consider.