1. If you write for everyone, you may not appeal to anyone.
Most authors want their work read by the widest audience possible. The best place to start your publishing journey is to identify the most likely group of people who will want to read your book. In other words, write with a particular person or audience in mind. Focus on characteristics such as gender, age and avocation. For example, do you think more females or males will want to read your book? What age? Do they have a particular area of interest such as romance or science fiction? Providing clear answers to questions such as these will increase your ability to effectively market your book.
2. Your marketing plan may be as important as your manuscript .
Most authors who pen a manuscript are not eager to market their book alone. Yet more and more, book marketing is becoming the responsibility of the author. Many publishing companies no longer provide marketing support to authors as they once did. So, having a plan for how you are going to promote your book and gain distribution is even more critical. At AuthorHouse, we provide a number of resources to help you craft a marketing plan to help you reach your publishing goals.
3. An interesting title draws attention and potential customers.
You labor over every word. You make sure all stylistic elements are perfect. Yet, the first words most people read will be your title. It is important to give as much care and thought to your title as any other part of your book. Tips on good titles include:
Don’t make the title too long. If 1 can’t remember it, I won’t be able to tell others about it and the type size on the cover will be too small to read.
Speak to potential readers, but don’t make it too cryptic.
There may be a phrase or word that resonates with your target audience. If there is, consider using it in your title.
Reward the reader of your title.
Make sure your title gives some hint of what readers will find within the pages of your book.
4. A book isn’t just judged by its cover. It’s sold by it.
Like your title, your cover design is crucial to attracting book buyers and readers. Be sure your cover fits your genre and the artwork supports the title. Work to ensure the typeface is legible and there is enough contrast between the background and the typeface color so the title can be easily read. A cover that is too plain or too complicated can send the wrong message to readers. Also, a cover that is based on a template can detract from the uniqueness of your book. Our skilled designers can help you optimize your creative ideas for the most effective cover.
5. Cheaper production costs don’t necessarily lead to higher royalties.
There are many ways to produce your book, but don’t think the best way to earn higher royalties is to find the most inexpensive way to produce it. The old adage, “You get what you pay for,” applies in this case. Make sure you have clear ideas about your page count, the paper quality you desire and a sturdy binding method. Don’t use a template-based design for your cover. Express creativity by having a cover that is exclusive to your book.
6. Today, the Internet is the biggest bookstore.
Over the past few years, the Internet has become the leading marketplace for book sales. That means along with having a strategy to sell through bookstores, you need to have a clearly defined strategy for selling your books on the Web. Tactics such as blogging, search engine campaigns and perhaps your own Web site are all things you want to think about. Plus, your author services representative is glad to help you create an ideal promotional strategy for selling your book.
7. If you don’t have specific goals, you can’t measure success.
It is important for you to set realistic goals for your book. To help you do that, you need to conduct a self-analysis of how much time you can invest in promoting your book. What goals can you reasonably expect to achieve from the different sales channels available to you? What speaking opportunities are available to you and can you sell your books while you are there? These are just a few of the questions you need to consider. Your author services representative can help you add more detail to your plan when you speak with him or her about your book.
We trust this information has been helpful, as it is intended to help you start thinking about strategies to reach your publishing goals. Our author services representatives can be of great assistance to you as you begin your publishing journey. Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to learning more about you and your book